🇦🇷 Argentina
At year 2025, population distribution of Argentina is:
Total Population | 45,851,379 | 100% |
Young Population | 9,635,991 | 21.02% |
Working Age Population | 30,422,327 | 66.35% |
Elderly Population | 5,793,061 | 12.63% |
The population growth rate of Argentina in 2025 is 0.34%, sex ratio is 0.99 (1.02 for working age), dependency ratio is 50.7%.
Working age population will be less than 60% of total population at year 2068. Elderly population will be more than twice of the young population at 2065. Total population reaches its peak in 2050 at 48,308,945.
In 2050, the population growth rate of Argentina is 0%, sex ratio is 0.99 (1.03 for working age), dependency ratio is 54.8%.