- Population Pyramid of Libya at 2025

🇱🇾 Libya

At year 2025, population distribution of Libya is:

Total Population 7,458,554 100%
Young Population 2,002,411 26.85%
Working Age Population 5,068,922 67.96%
Elderly Population 387,221 5.19%

The population growth rate of Libya in 2025 is 1.05%, sex ratio is 1.03 (1.04 for working age), dependency ratio is 47.1%.

Working age population will be less than 60% of total population at year 2081. Total population reaches its peak in 2086 at 9,970,720.

In 2050, the population growth rate of Libya is 0.56%, sex ratio is 1.01 (1.04 for working age), dependency ratio is 55.1%.